STUART LITTLE Stuart at the Fun House

" Sometime I forger you're not stronger, or bigger, or taller. You're my little brother, and you're the best brother I ever had," George said.

 This book is a little mouse adventure. His name is STUART. He can speak human language. One day, he and his brother GEORGE went to amusement park. George tried to get on many attractions, but Stuart can't ride anything.

 As I said in previous post, this book is too easy for me. Words is too easy and length is too short. But content is better than previous. Stuart who get on almost attractions was poor. My heart was tightened to read Stuart saying. But George said true thing, and I happy to find that George and Stuart recognize them as an important existence each other. Please check this book's movie out! 




The Mystery of Allegra

Rain, Rain, Rain!

San Francisco